GWT UiBinder - Multiple templates, one owner class

At Just Software we are building our software Just Connect using Google’s awesome Web Toolkit which lets us build the software almost entirely in Java, even the Web UI. For the layout part we’re building templates using the UiBinder framework of GWT which lets you build templates in XML and fill them with data from the Java class backing it (called the owner class). Today I was faced with the task of building a GWT widget which has rather an amount of logic in it and has a different layout depending on a boolean value....

November 19, 2010

PostgreSQL parameter limitation

The newest feature in the software I’m developing at Just Software is a workstream, which is our aggregate name for microblog and activity stream functionality. Since we’re using a relational DB we’ve modeled this module in the way that every workstream message is attached to a user’s stream in a simple m:n relation manner. To reduce the number of INSERT statements the list of streams is assembled in the business service and then handed over to the database service which does sth....

October 27, 2010