metal workers pouring liquid metal into a mold

Taking it home — Kubernetes on bare-metal

To learn how Kubernetes works you should run your own Kubernetes cluster on bare-metal hardware. Discuss this post In the world that I live in Kubernetes is all the rage. This is the world of professional software development and deployment where medium- and large-sized companies are trying to reduce cost and complexity of their IT platforms while at the same time becoming faster at making changes to the software that they run as services to either their internal or external customers....

November 9, 2022

Running a Docker registry on Kubernetes (in kind)

In the last weeks I have been working a lot on supporting Kubernetes in air-gapped environments, i.e. environments that don’t have any access to the internet. Many companies prefer to run their IT infrastructure in such a way to minimize the attack vector against it and be able to tightly control what’s running on their clusters. Part of these setups naturally is a Docker registry that runs on that air-gapped infrastructure and in order to properly reproduce such a scenario, I had to run a Docker registry on my kind cluster as well and I thought sharing the manifests may help anyone out there get setup faster next time....

November 6, 2020

Ansible delegation madness: delegate_to and variable substitution

This is going to be a short piece but I really want to share this because 1) I have to talk! It cost me several hours today to get a grip on this and 2) I couldn’t find any explanation of this Ansible behaviour on Stack Overflow or anywhere else (I actually posted this on SO to make sure it’s now there). By the way, I was reminded today that it can save you several hours of bug tracking, experimenting and general hair-tearing if you just know to ask....

July 19, 2019

O'Reilly Software Architecture Conference: My ping from London

I attended O’Reilly’s Software Architecture Conference in London this October and I thought I’d share my personal wrap-up of the most striking talks I’ve heard there. So buckle up for a tiny race through three days of talks and workshops: sarahjwells from Financial Times gave a great advice on how to fight code rot in your microservice architecture: Consider building overnight to fight code rot and keep services live and healthy....

November 4, 2018

Setting sails - I'm joining Hermes Germany in October

I’ve worked for Just Software as a Software Developer for seven years and seven months this month. It was one of the most intense periods of my life, not only personally but also as a developer, an employee, a colleague, a consultant and an Open Source enthusiast. The time at that awesome company has shaped me extremely and I’m leaving my team there with mixed feelings. We left the shores of our safe jobs to build the best team collaboration software in the world....

September 26, 2017